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Aderant Software Review

November 25, 2019

The world of legal billing is inherently challenging.  In fact, legal billing has become so complex and convoluted that inaccurate billing has emerged as one of the top causes of Bar Association complaints issued against attorneys throughout the country.  With various types of billing software out on the market, law firms have numerous options out there to alleviate legal billing challenges and avoid such complaints. Currently, one of the most popular types of software on the market is Aderant. Aderant has been a mainstay in the legal community for over 35 years, and provides numerous project management and billing solutions. With their expertise in the legal industry, Aderant can help law firms of any size navigate difficult billing situations.

The Basics of Aderant

Aderant’s cloud-based BillBlast tool makes it easier for law firms to manage daily operations. BillBlast directly integrates with most time and billing systems, increases your billing staff’s productivity and efficiency, and allows them to focus on more important billing issues. Furthermore, BillBlast features a thorough yet easy to digest single view dashboard that incorporates multiple client management systems. This allows your firm to easily identify any billing issues, check on any outstanding invoices, and speed up your staff’s overall workflow. Aderant’s software even empowers law firms to automatically submit e-bills to third-party sites. You can even view the payment status for every single invoice.

Additional Features of Note

Aderant BillBlast eBilling has a variety of helpful features, ranging from a cloud-based interface that anyone can master, to payment tracking, the centralization of bill locations, bill template customization, LEDES standards compliance, payment acceptance and more.  The program also offers fax and email delivery as well.

Rely on the Cloud for Optimal Functionality

Cloud service providers can implement Aderant and enable the software to function at its peak without the need for on-site servers or complicated I.T. solutions. Rekall Technologies has nearly 10 years of experience assisting law offices with cloud services and can optimize your network hassle-free. Learn more about how we can host your legal software on the cloud here.

Should Your Firm buy Aderant?

Aderant provides an easy-to-use system for all billing needs.  As previously mentioned, Aderant’s array of features and tools allows your billing staff to increase their productivity and speed up their workflow.  The software’s ability to integrate with time tracking software allows attorneys and paralegals to spend more time on client issues rather than billing dilemmas. Resultingly, this software can be of use to firms of all sizes and should definitely be considered by your business as a potential tool to increase productivity.