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Best Legal Practice Management Software of 2021

February 27, 2021

Rekall Technologies Top Legal Practice Management Software For 2021

As technology continues to integrate itself into the legal profession, there’s a growing library of legal practice management software aimed to assist practitioners in their day to day tasks. But as your law firm looks to modernize its workflow, the number of programs on the market can make that process a painstaking one.

Fortunately, Rekall has a decade of experience working with law firms, and we know what software is best suited for your needs! Are you looking for a cloud-based program? Or do you need one that can handle practice, billing, and accounting tasks? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular programs below.


Aderant has been used in the legal industry for over 35 years, and for good reason. It shines as a billing and document management system. Its BillBlast feature incorporates several client management systems into one easy to view dashboard, allowing you to increase your staff’s productivity. Identify any billing problems, check on any outstanding invoices, and automatically submit electronic bills to your clients with ease. With several other features and tools that can easily boost your firm’s work efficiency, this software is simple to use yet has a lot of utility when it comes to overall case management.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/aderant-software-review/
Visit website: www.aderant.com


Clio is one of the most highly rated and popular pieces of software in our list. With a three-tiered pricing structure, you’d expect a complicated and overelaborate program. However, Clio’s level of customization, intuitive user interface, and document management tools make this one of the most accessible and useful programs on the market. Clio’s easy to learn user interface allows you to integrate contacts from third party apps and create and categorize reports effortlessly. The program also has a dedicated feature devoted to eliminating the repetitiveness of filling out common documents. The feature can automatically populate forms with relevant client data that is stored on your system. Clio’s main strength is that it functions as a comprehensive case management suite that incorporates billing, document, and accounting features in a simplistic yet highly customizable way. It should definitely be considered by law firms of any size.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/clio-software-review/
Visit website: www.clio.com


Needles was originally designed for personal injury attorneys in mind, but it can hold its own serving law firms of any type. Assisting law practitioners for over 30 years, the program’s main asset is its case and client management features. Needles’ Status Tab allows you to easily view all relevant client information in one click upon answering a phone call from said client. It also lets you track, access, and merge client documents and information into a new document. Further, the software’s Time Track feature, which can be integrated with applications such as QuickBooks, allows you to record time spent on a case and bill each unit of time with ease. Pair these functions with Needles’ customizable user interface, and you get a program that performs brilliantly in overall case management.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/needles-software-review/
Visit website: www.needles.com

Needles in the Cloud


PCLaw is one of the most prominent programs when it comes to legal software. It functions as a complete accounting management system, which cannot be said of most of its competitors. Possessing back-end accounting functions, PCLaw empowers your firm to not have to rely on multiple software packages for managing your business. It is also noteworthy to mention that PCLaw includes numerous tools to track your firm’s expenses and analyze your company’s overall performance. And of course, PCLaw also has many of the case and billing management features that come with most other programs, including the ability to submit LEDES-formatted bills and identify any outstanding balances that need to be collected from clients. If you’re looking for a powerful accounting software complemented with solid case management features, this program may be right for you.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/pclaw-review/
Visit website: software.lexisnexis.com/pclaw

PCLaw in the Cloud


ProLaw contains a powerful set of features that qualifies it as a true Document Management Solution, which also makes it exclusively the only piece of software to do so. Hosted on dedicated I.T. infrastructure, the program performs all three major functions that law firms do on a day to day basis: document, accounting, and case management. This essentially puts ProLaw in a league of its own when it comes to overall functionality and utility. Further utility, however, also comes in the form of the program’s Report Builder feature. With this feature, you can build reports to analyze your firm’s performance, increase staff productivity, and even see which clients are your most profitable. ProLaw’s approachable interface provides a solid platform for the software to perform in key areas of legal practice, and is definitely worth your firm’s time.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/prolaw-software-review/
Visit website: www.elite.com/prolaw/

ProLaw in the Cloud


Tabs3 boasts a highly customizable and powerful billing management system. If your firm faces complex billing challenges, Tabs3 is perhaps the best piece of software for you. Tabs3 allows you to set default or custom billing rates based on which client you’re serving, and the software also makes splitting payments between timekeepers simple. Additionally, you can set up specialized fees such as contingency fees, flat fees, and retainers with ease. The program also makes timekeeping a breeze, and you can record time and transfer those time records into fees with just one click. And similar to ProLaw’s Report Builder, Tabs3 also offers a thorough Reports feature. Reports give your firm numerous analytical insights into your business, showing you timekeeper profitability, which accounts are the highest priority for collections, and which clients are your most important. Overall, Tabs3 is a fantastic piece of accounting and billing software that gives firms of any size the opportunity to increase their productivity and analyze their fiscal performance.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/tabs3-software-review/
Visit website: www.tabs3.com/

Tabs3 in the Cloud

Time Matters

LexisNexis’s Time Matters software functions primarily as a case and billing management system. However, it does not handle accounting tasks like PCLaw does. The program is highly customizable like some other programs on our list, and allows you to use custom views to look at documents, appointments, contacts, and more. In fact, Time Matters rivals both Tabs3 and Clio in customization, and can even allow you to customize workflows and database searches. Further, the software is capable of centralizing your clients’ data, automating time entry, and integrating with both PCLaw and Juris. In sum, while Time Matters is lacking in the accounting department, its document and billing management capabilities, paired with its degree of customization, makes it a great choice for law firms who need customized software solutions.

Read the full review: rekalltech.com/time-matters-review/
Visit website:

Time Matters in the Cloud

Still Not Sure Which Practice Management Software is Right for Your Firm?

We can help. Rekall Technologies has assisted over 150 law firms in choosing, setting up, and configuring their legal software. Our techs are well-versed in all of the software mentioned above, and can help decide which one is right for your legal practice. Learn more about how we can host whichever legal software you choose on the cloud here.