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Needles Case Management Software Review

December 2, 2019

The world of legal software is convoluted with numerous programs that claims to have the best features, and even the best customer support. Of course, each type of software is different, and specializes in certain areas. Needles, a legal case management program that has been around for over 30 years, was developed for personal injury attorneys in mind. Let’s take a look at its features below, and determine if it is a good fit for law firms of all types.

About Needles

As stated in the introduction, Needles was initially designed for personal injury attorneys. This makes it a somewhat unique piece of software, but Needles also has some other unique properties. Needles is in the minority when it comes to pricing. Most software includes licensing and monthly fees, but with Needles, a one-time purchase is all that’s necessary. Once you purchase this product, you own both the software and license for life. Additionally, any future upgrades are included for free. This can be extremely useful for small scale law firms that have to save on costs.

Level of Customization

Needles has a highly customizable interface that can be helpful in managing and tracking cases. Creating workflows and checklists for specific cases is highly intuitive, and adding custom fields and tabs to the program to assist in adding relevant case and client information is a breeze. This level of customization is especially useful for case management, and makes dealing with numerous clients simple.

Essential Features

Needles truly shines as a comprehensive case management solution. With Needles’ Status Tab, you can easily pull up all relevant client information in one click when answering a call. The program also enables you to keep track of all case-related documents, easily access them, and merge relevant client information into new documents that you create. Needles also makes keeping cases updated easy with their Mass Update feature. Tired of opening and updating cases one at a time? Mass Update allows you to update multiple cases with just one click.

In terms of its billing management, Needles’ Time Track feature allows you to easily record how much time is spent on a case, and it can combine each unit of time with its appropriate billing code. This feature can integrate with both QuickBooks and Timeslips. Another useful feature is the program’s Value Screen, which helps you check your firm’s financial status. Track time, total up costs, and print reports in an instant. It is also worth noting that Needles also integrates with both Outlook and Worldox.

Rely on the Cloud for Optimal Functionality

Cloud service providers can implement Needles and enable the software to function at its peak without the need for on-site servers or complicated I.T. solutions. Rekall Technologies has nearly 10 years of experience assisting law offices with cloud services and can optimize your network hassle-free. Learn more about how we can host your legal software on the cloud here.

Should Your Law Firm use Needles?

Needles is a comprehensive case management system that features a wealth of customization and flexibility, and is a very good fit for personal injury attorneys. Additionally, firms who place great importance on using a system that can be tailored to their specific needs will find great use in this product, especially if they want to increase overall client intake and workflow efficiency.

Still want to learn more about Needles? Check out this video from the developer below: